Woman can't find dachshund anywhere: When she looks at her golden retriever, she realizes everything
San Diego (USA) - A video showing two dog brothers from California is captivating the hearts of users on the Internet. But many people certainly don't realize that they are watching two furry friends napping!

With a miniature dachshund, owners can sometimes lose sight of them. Winnie's owner was also looking for the tiny four-legged friend that day.
The woman from San Diego searched in every corner, under every piece of furniture and slowly became a little agitated because there was no sign of the basset hound.
Her search finally came to a happy end when she took a closer look at her golden retriever "Bailey", who had made himself comfortable on the couch.
Naturally, the US-American had to capture her discovery on video.
Cuddling dogs are viewed over one hundred thousand times on TikTok

In the clip, which was later published on TikTok, all you can see at first glance is the light brown golden retriever slumbering on the sofa. What you only notice later is that his animal brother Winnie is hiding under the dog's head.
Thanks to his tiny size, the dachshund fits perfectly underneath and is thus protected and warmed at the same time. And Bailey, whose head rests on the little dog, not only gets his portion of love, but also has a soft "pillow".
It is not a matter of course that two dogs get on so well in the same home. After all, they have to share the love of their owners. Bailey and Winnie are also noticeably different in size. But this doesn't seem to bother either of them at all.
The sight of the two four-legged friends taking a nap snuggled up close to each other enchants more than just their owners. The video has already been clicked on over 180,000 times on TikTok.
Users rave: "Wait, that's so incredibly cute, hahahaha" and draw attention to a small detail. "The SWEAT WEDGE 😍 it's the sweetest tribute," writes one user.