Uber driver asks intrusive questions: What he does late at night scares a woman

Manchester (Great Britain) - She already had a queasy feeling on the journey. What she experienced later that night caused anxiety in a 26-year-old British woman. It all started when she had an Uber cab take her home after shopping at Aldi.

Ruth Rathcliff (26) thought the man who was pestering her with questions was "a weirdo" even during the journey.
Ruth Rathcliff (26) thought the man who was pestering her with questions was "a weirdo" even during the journey.  © Bildmontage: TikTok Screenshot/0110__rr

Ruth Rathcliff told the Daily Mail that she was driven home by an Uber driver at around 1.45 p.m. on Friday, October 18.

Even during the journey, she felt pressured by the many personal questions the stranger asked her. He wanted to know how old she was, where she lived and where she worked.

Practically out of nowhere, he described her as "beautiful" and said that he would be prepared to do practically anything for her. She thought the man, who was still helping her carry the shopping bags to the house, was "a weirdo", dismissed him and mentally shelved the case.

But what he did that evening horrified her. Recordings from her doorbell camera prove that the guy drove to her house again at around 10.50 p.m. local time.

Uber driver stalks woman and throws stones at her daughter's window

The Uber driver walked up and down in front of the house. Only after a few minutes did he get into his car and steam off.
The Uber driver walked up and down in front of the house. Only after a few minutes did he get into his car and steam off.  © TikTok Screenshot/0110__rr

A TikTok video of Rathcliff reveals that the man was outside her property for almost ten minutes, loitering around and, to make matters worse, throwing stones at her daughter's bedroom window.

"That really scared me," revealed the British woman, who looks after an autistic daughter. She also reported the incident to Uber and called the police.

The company is taking the incident seriously, describing it as "completely unacceptable". In the meantime, the Uber driver's account no longer exists.

It must have been a new employee, as Ruth Rathcliff left him a review without seeing any reviews from other passengers.