Student wants to stay overnight free of charge: When the hotel finds out about it, he becomes very meek

Taizhou (China) - Howaudacious! Because he wanted to go on vacation for free, a Chinese student came up with a particularly creative way to stay in high-priced hotels for free.

The student has checked into 380 hotels in ten months.
The student has checked into 380 hotels in ten months.  © 123rf/davizro

Not in the mood for university? A young Chinese man can only agree with this. Because instead of studying, Jiang preferred to travel and ripped off hundreds of hotels throughout China.

The 21-year-old apparently always followed the same procedure, reports the"South China Morning Post". Once he arrived at the hotel, he placed dead cockroaches or other vermin there, sometimes even used condoms. He then informed the staff, threatened them with bad reviews and demanded money or free accommodation.

This went on for ten months. On some days, Jiang checked into up to four hotels. The police speak of 380 overnight stays in the period in question. There is evidence of 63 cases of fraud against the student throughout the country.

The case came to light when the hotel manager of a four-star hotel alerted the police instead of responding to the demands of the cockroach man, who once again demanded the equivalent of 50 euros for alleged hygiene deficiencies.

63 cases of fraud: Chinese man hides dead cockroaches in hotel room

The hotel blackmailer points meekly to his props.
The hotel blackmailer points meekly to his props.  © Screenshot: Weibo

"His complaints about alleged vermin and hair in the rooms were alarming. When we discussed these incidents with several other hotels, we noticed a recurring pattern with this guest," said the manager.

When the police confronted Jiang in his double room, extensive evidence was seized, reports the portal 163.

23 packages with various utensils: dead cockroaches, cicadas, portioned strands of hair and used condoms. The parasite meekly admitted his deeds. A picture shows Jiang pointing to the table with his props.

Jiang will probably soon have to answer for fraud.

Meanwhile, users on Chinese social media have a very clear opinion. "I would like to know what major he wanted to study at university. Fraud and deception?" one angry user wants to know. Another adds: "Now he has his free accommodation - a prison cell."