Four mountaineers killed in an accident in the Alps
Belluno - Four climbers were killed in several accidents in the Italian Alps at the weekend.

According to the mountain rescue service, they died in falls in the Veneto, Trentino and Piedmont regions in northern Italy on Sunday.
The fatalities were three men and one woman. The emergency services were on the move in the affected areas with helicopters and several teams.
On the Rocciamelone in Piedmont, a man fell more than 400 meters. The rescue teams recovered his body after a complicated operation.
In Trentino, a 26-year-old died on the Val del Rì via ferrata. He lost his balance and fell around 30 meters into a ravine, landing in a riverbed.
In Veneto, a man fell into a crevice, while in another incident a woman fell into the depths while abseiling.