Desperate search for your dog: "I won't give up until he's back with me"

Derbyshire (United Kingdom) - Mel Clements (54), a desperate pet owner, is doing everything she can to find her stolen dog. To do so, she has put up posters and is driving all over the country.

Mel Clements has driven all over the country looking for her dog.
Mel Clements has driven all over the country looking for her dog.  © Bildmontage: Facebook/Screenshot/Find STOLEN . PIGLET - Harefield UB9

Mel's Chihuahua went missing after a break-in on a friend's boat while she was visiting a dentist in Harefield in March.

Since then, she has vowed never to give up the search for her beloved dog called 'Piglet'.

During her persistent search, Mel has gained the support of many animal lovers. More than 3500 people have joined her Facebook group"find STOLEN PIGLET - Harefield UB9" to spread the word about her missing dog.

She has offered a reward of 4000 pounds (around 4756 euros) to get the four-legged friend back.

Across the country for Piglet

The 54-year-old searches day and night for her Chihuahua.
The 54-year-old searches day and night for her Chihuahua.  © Screenshot/Instagram/findpiglet

Since Piglet's disappearance, Mel has spent most of her time living in her car and traveling around the country putting up posters.

She receives support from her Facebook followers, who also distribute posters in the places where they live.

So far, Mel has already spent over 20,000 pounds (around 23,777 euros) and covered more than 10,000 miles (16,093.44 kilometers) to find her beloved Chihuahua.

The 54-year-old has been travelingday and night, virtually without a break, in search of "her boy", she reported on Facebook.

Numerous support

The dog owner is asking anyone with information to get in touch via her Facebook group.
The dog owner is asking anyone with information to get in touch via her Facebook group.  © Screenshot/GoFundMe/For Piglets Mummy Mel

To help Mel in her quest, she received gift vouchers from major companies and over 4000 pounds (around 4767 euros) in donations on a GoFundMe page created for her.

The 54-year-old thanked Facebook for this support and promised never to give up. Piglet was her life and her next of kin, and since his disappearance she has felt nothing but grief and emptiness.

She is asking anyone with information to contact her via the Facebook group "Find STOLEN PIGLET - Harefield UB9".