Mother turns to pediatrician worried about daughter: But the truth causes tears of laughter

North Carolina (USA) - Anyone who has children knows that parents quickly become worried, especially with their first child, when their offspring suddenly starts behaving differently than usual. A mother from the USA was also quick to pick up the phone to consult a doctor when she noticed something wrong with her young daughter. Afterwards, however, she was smarter - and amused!

The little girl Mac kept squeezing her eyes shut.
The little girl Mac kept squeezing her eyes shut.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/tayoverstimulatedmom

Taylor Alderman lives with her partner in North Carolina. Just over a year ago, the two became parents to a little girl called Mac. Since then, they have showered the toddler with lots of love and made sure she is doing well.

So it's no wonder that Taylor immediately pricked up her ears when her daughter started blinking strangely. "She did it for the first time while my mother was looking after her," the US-American recalls to Newsweek. About a week later, Taylor was able to see it with her own eyes and even film it. "It worried me, so I made a video to send to her pediatrician."

The clip, in which the toddler can be seen squinting her eyes repeatedly as she looks towards her mother, would later be posted on TikTok and go viral - but for a very different reason.

"I was worried that her eyes were burning or dry or that she was seeing blurry for some reason," Taylor said. The pediatrician was initially able to reassure her: The expert didn't suspect an emergency and decided to examine Mac again in a few days. But the doctor didn't need to.

Video clicked millions of times brings tears of laughter

After the child's mother consulted an ophthalmologist, she realized that her daughter was merely imitating her.
After the child's mother consulted an ophthalmologist, she realized that her daughter was merely imitating her.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/tayoverstimulatedmom

Just one week later, mother Taylor solved the "mystery" of her daughter's eyes without even going to medical school!

The US-American was sitting at her laptop working at the time when Mac came over and blinked conspicuously again. "Mac was playing with her toys in front of me and turned around to see what I was doing, walked right up to me smiling and started blinking at me very deliberately," Taylor explains. "She laughed afterwards too, like she was being silly."

Eventually, the mother realized that her young daughter was making fun of her as she sat straining over her emails. The US-American is short-sighted and should actually wear glasses when working on screens. Without the aid, she tends to squint. And apparently much more and more clearly than she realized. "She mocked me," says Taylor with amusement. Since she dutifully wears her glasses, her daughter Mac no longer squints her eyes.

Toddlers learn primarily from models and imitate their parents in everyday situations. On the one hand, this can be quite amusing, but on the other hand it can also be unsettling if you don't realize it immediately.

In the comments of the video, which has been viewed over two million times, dozens of mothers and fathers describe similar moments in which their children have imitated them.

"It's absolutely amazing what our babies and toddlers pick up on without us even realizing it," says Taylor.