Cruel knife murder: Kindergarten teacher stabs her own son to death (†4)! "Actually a very nice woman"
Vienna (Austria) - A terrible crime apparently took place within a family in Austria this weekend: A kindergarten teacher (29) allegedly stabbed her own son with a knife ! All help came too late for the 4-year-old. The alleged perpetrator was described by the neighbors as a "very nice woman".

This Sunday morning, the emergency services found a boy dead in an apartment in Favoriten, the 10th district of Vienna. As the Austrian newspaper Kronen-Zeitung reported, the child's father had previously called the emergency services.
The mother of the boy who was killed is urgently suspected of the crime. The 29-year-old was arrested and initially taken to a clinic due to her own injuries.
Witnesses told the newspaper that the distraught father was waiting for the officers in the stairwell, covered in blood and crying. He is said to have tried to stop his partner from committing the cruel act.
The alleged perpetrator worked as a kindergarten assistant and was described by a neighbor as "a very nice blonde woman with glasses". The residents of the apartment building were shocked and completely surprised by the atrocity.
Stabbed boy is said to have been his mother's "everything"
The suspect is said to have given her neighbors parenting tips from time to time and was by no means considered a bad mother. Another witness said that no one had known of any serious incidents, there had just been normal arguments in the family.
The stabbed boy had even been his mother's "one and only"! Shocked and in tears, the residents watched together as his body was transported out of the house in a child's coffin on Sunday morning.
A neighbor hoped that the whole thing was just an accident. However, there was initially no evidence of this. The background to the bloody incident is currently completely unclear. The investigation has been taken over by the Vienna State Office of Criminal Investigation.