Teacher seduces pupils via Snapchat - in exchange for drugs and alcohol
Pulaski County (USA) - Teacher Carissa Smith (31) from the US state of Missouri is accused of having sex with students in exchange for drugs and alcohol.

The 31-year-old was a substitute teacher at Dixon Middle School and was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of sexually assaulting several students.
As Daily Mail reported, the acts allegedly took place in her home as well as in other locations such as remote dirt roads and on the side of the road - in exchange for which she gave her victims money, marijuana and alcohol.
The Dixon R-1 school district was shocked by the assaults and said it would take stronger measures to provide students with a safe and secure environment.
Teacher Carissa Smith lured one of her victims into sex via Snapchat

A former pupil of the institution revealed that he had his first date with Smith.
They met when she stood in for another teacher in class and shared her Snapchat name with him.
The woman then allegedly first sent him pictures of her breasts and buttocks, and later there were full nude pictures, according to the court documents.
Another victim claimed that the 31-year-old forced her to ejaculate inside her during sex.
She is in custody on bail of 250,000 US dollars (around 236,642 euros) and her next court date is scheduled for November 20.