Shocking find on a tourist beach: human head washes up!
Key Biscayne (USA) - On Tuesday morning, a worker made a gruesome discovery on a tourist beach in Florida.

The man raking the beach on Key Biscayne suddenly stumbled across an unexpected find that had washed up on the popular tourist beach.
It was a head lying in the sand, reports NBC Miami.
The worker immediately alerted the police, who quickly checked the find and confirmed that it was indeed a human head.
Investigators immediately cordoned off the affected section of beach to secure the area for a thorough investigation. The site was marked with tape and traffic cones while forensic and homicide investigators began their work.
The discovery has deeply unsettled the residents of Key Biscayne. The town, which is otherwise considered very safe, had never expected such an incident and many could hardly believe that a human head had suddenly appeared on their beach.
The identity of the victim has not yet been determined.