Attention, disgust alarm: family treats themselves to pizza, suddenly something moves
Madhya Pradesh (India) - It wasn't just the proverbial worm in the pie! When it comes to pizza, the eye always eats too. The following story from Madhya Pradesh, India, is likely to make your stomach churn at the mere sight of the culinary "delicacy" being served.

Naturally, tastes differ widely as to what a delicious pizza should look like.
What should certainly not be on the list of ingredients are live animals such as worms. But according tothe Hindustan Times, a hungry family had exactly this unpleasant experience last Friday after an online delivery.
A video circulating on"X" captured the disgusting footage in minute detail, scaring not only the local family concerned.
As can no doubt be seen on the user's channel, it took a second or even third look before the animal mischief finally came to light.
Tasty is different: worms wallow on the food

When the pizza was pulled apart, it happened: the worms made their way between the cheese, salami and tomato toppings and literally ruined the guests' food.
Particularly disgusting: the unsuspecting family had already had a taste before the whole truth behind the "pizza worm" came out.
The shocking images that went viral in the 35-second clip raise several questions:
How were the worms able to find their way onto the pizza - and inevitably linked to this: What is the state of hygiene in Indian restaurants?
Unsurprisingly, the worm-infested dish was not well received on social media. In the meantime, the sequence has been viewed almost a million times and has been met with disgust and incomprehension.
Yet such images are by no means isolated cases on the subcontinent. Recently, a customer in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, reported that he had found a frog's leg in a samosa. In India, the worm is simply too often in it!