Anna and Gerald Heiser are in dire straits: "We're not giving up. Not yet."

Namibia - This problem is as big as their farm in Namibia: Anna Heiser (34) and her husband Gerald (39) are currently very worried about their future. "Two years of drought, insane interest rate hikes, faulty water metering, broken harvest, bad prices are just part of our everyday life," Anna recently wrote on Instagram. On Thursday, she added no less dramatically!

Anna Heiser (34) shares her worries on Instagram on Thursday.
Anna Heiser (34) shares her worries on Instagram on Thursday.  © Instagram/Screenshot/annaheiser

The financing of her beloved farm is in question. There is currently a lack of money everywhere. For this reason, the "Bauer sucht Frau" contestant has hardly anything positive to report in her latest Insta post.

Although the mother of two is initially combative: "We're not giving up. Not yet. We'll keep fighting. For our dream. For our home."

But she soon qualifies: "Even if our original plan is not feasible for legal reasons, we are looking for other options."

And she continues: "Many people are certainly surprised by our decision, because for economic reasons it's not worth putting more money into the farm and working for nothing, but in this case it's not just about making a profit, it's more about our heart being attached to the farm."

But how exactly should things continue?

Instagram post receives a lot of support from fans

The 34-year-old and her husband don't seem to know that at the moment. Instead, they are relying on the principle of hope.

The emigrant closes her Instagram post with the words: "We're not giving up yet. Not until we've tried everything. Because the hope is still there - the hope for 'a better tomorrow' in farming and that our run of bad luck will soon be over."

At least Anna Heisercan count on the support of her fans at this point. In the comments, many wish her love and strength to get through this crisis.