Golden retriever puppies meet again for the first time after separation: their reaction melts hearts

Allentown (USA) - For six months, golden retriever brothers Finnley and Jet grew up side by side. Then the four-legged friends were adopted by different families. Their new owners were curious to see if the dogs would still recognize each other. So they arranged a meeting. The meeting of the fur noses was clicked millions of times on the Internet.

The two golden retrievers only needed a few seconds to recognize each other.
The two golden retrievers only needed a few seconds to recognize each other.  © Screenshot/TikTok/goldenbrudders

Finnley, who is now a little star on the TikTok platform, was taken out for a walk by his owner. Little did the four-legged friend know that a very special surprise was waiting for him on the way.

"They hadn't seen each other in over a month," writes the dog owner from Allentown, Pennsylvania, on TikTok. "So we arranged a 'chance' encounter to see if the brothers would recognize each other on their own, with no clues when they crossed paths."

Fortunately, the US American captured the moment the two dogs met on video: in the clip, the animals can be seen approaching each other somewhat hesitantly at first. But just seconds later, their tails start to wag, they cuddle and romp.

"The bond between Finn and Jet is still as strong as ever and it's so sweet and healing every time we watch these two let their little puppy hearts out."

Video: Dog brothers see each other again after a month

Although they hadn't seen each other for over a month, their connection remained.
Although they hadn't seen each other for over a month, their connection remained.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/goldenbrudders

Dog allowed to grow up with brother

According to PetHelpful, studies have shown that puppies that have been allowed to stay with their animal family for four months can still recognize their mother's scent for up to two years. And vice versa, by the way.

Finnley, who was allowed to see his brother again, was more than lucky with his family. The Americans took in another Golden Retriever from his litter.

The two fur noses can now grow old in the same house.