TikTok duo rapes family father (†24) and simply leaves him to die

Methil (Scotland) - Dylan Brister (28) and Cameron Allan (21) regularly made TikTok videos, but were capable of quite different things. They raped a young man in their home and then simply left him to die. Now the murderous duo must spend many years behind bars for their heinous deeds.

Dylan Brister (28, r.) and Cameron Allan (21) must serve life in prison.
Dylan Brister (28, r.) and Cameron Allan (21) must serve life in prison.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/TikTok/dylanbristerxx (2)

As reported by Sky News, among others, Dylan and Cameron are said to have been looking for someone for a threesome on a dating app on the evening of November 2, 2021.

But they didn't find anyone. That same evening, a friend of theirs dropped by and brought Calum Simpson (24) with him, who was already the father of four children. His youngest child had been born just eleven days earlier.

When the friend had gone home, Dylan and Cameron sensed their chance: the pair mixed Etizolam, a powerful drug that is actually used to treat severe anxiety and sleep disorders, into Calum's drink. The 24-year-old lost consciousness.

Then it got gruesome: the two Brits tied their victim up with ropes and abused him several times. They also filmed the whole thing on their cell phones. Afterwards, they went to sleep and simply left the abused Calum lying there.

Cameron Allan was one of the murderers.
Cameron Allan was one of the murderers.  © Polizei Schottland

Dylan and Allan were traveling together on TikTok

Duo is not aware of their actions

Calum Simpson (†24) was a father of four. His partner Bobbie Cowan is still mourning the loss of her friend.
Calum Simpson (†24) was a father of four. His partner Bobbie Cowan is still mourning the loss of her friend.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/Facebook/Bobbie Cowan (2)

The TikTokers only called an ambulance the next day when he stopped responding. The emergency doctor could only determine that the young father had died. He died of an overdose.

When the police arrived, Dylan and Cameron deleted the footage of the abuse. However, one of the videos was recovered and helped to expose the murderers.

To this day, the pair still do not acknowledge their actions. Speaking at the High Court in Edinburgh, Dylan said: "We are not rapists. We're lads who like a bit of fun."

The 28-year-old also claimed to suffer from mental illness. He also said Cameron was still unaware that he had done anything wrong.

The duo were sentenced to life imprisonmentfor murder .