A trip down memory lane: the groom's childish wedding plans make for a laugh!
USA - The wedding is supposed to be the best day of your life. And this groom knew early on how he wanted to propose to his bride!

In a now viral TikTok video, Hope Carew (30) read out her brother's proposal plans, which he had written when he was just nine years old, during her wedding speech.
Before she began, she joked with her brother that he shouldn't kill her, and then she read the plans with a wink: "We're 25 and I'm a multi-billionaire who is madly in love with you. Number one: (...) It's midnight and I sneak you onto our private jet. You wake up while we're in the air and I don't tell you where we are, but I kiss you and tell you I've taken care of everything."
"We arrive, and then I'll give you my credit card and tell you that you can do whatever you want - but to be back at the hotel by 1pm. I won't be there when you get back. However, the butlers will accompany you to the beach, where I'll be waiting for you with a romantic blanket and wine. We'll have a few glasses and then start making out," Hope read out, laughing.
Hope Carew made the audience laugh with her speech

But it wasn't just the 30-year-old who found the plans amusing - the 150 wedding guests also burst out laughing. Hope revealed to People Magazine that some guests almost fell out of their chairs laughing and someone even peed themselves a little.
She continued: "Number two: (...) We spend a very romantic time on a yacht. When we arrive, I'll buy you lots of pearls. Then I'll buy you whatever you want and I'll obey your every command."
"Number three: (...) We go off on the yacht and do romantic things. Then we land in Paris. I'll take you all over Paris in a Rolls-Royce and buy you everything. Then I take you to the top of the Eiffel Tower and ask: "Will you marry me?" - with a ring worth 130 million dollars. (around 120 million euros) You say yes, and we go back to the hotel and have lots of romance," Hope finished her speech to great applause.
Fortunately, her brother took the speech in good sport and gave his sister a warm hug at the end.