Golden retriever meets puppy: his reaction melts millions of hearts

North Carolina - What could be cuter than a fluffy Golden Retriever? That's right! TWO fluffy Golden Retrievers. And just when you think it couldn't get any cuter, these two specimens were introduced to each other in North Carolina ...

Bitch Cinna meets puppy Bronze for the first time. The two seem to get on well straight away.
Bitch Cinna meets puppy Bronze for the first time. The two seem to get on well straight away.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/goldengirl_goldenboy

Dog Cinna, who lives with her family in the USA, seems to have a wonderful life with her owners. Dozens of videos on the TikTok page created especially for the four-legged friend bear witness to this.

But Cinna's owners want to make the dog's life even more fulfilling and have therefore decided to adopt a second dog. A few days ago, a second golden retriever moved in.

In contrast to Cinna, four-legged friend Bronze is still a tiny puppy. That's why her new owners were certainly a little tense when the two fur noses were brought together to see if the dogs would get along.

A video shows the moment when Cinna and Bronze meet for the first time.

Puppy video gets millions of clicks

Bitch and baby get along wonderfully

The Golden Retriever tries everything to show the baby dog that he is welcome.
The Golden Retriever tries everything to show the baby dog that he is welcome.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/goldengirl_goldenboy

At first, the puppy lies somewhat shyly on a mat and eyes the big dog. The adult golden retriever, on the other hand, can hardly control herself and immediately starts to scratch her paws on the floor with glee.

When Bronze realizes that he is apparently very welcome, he too starts to frolic happily around the bitch.

Cinna of course knows that she is much bigger than the puppy and therefore shows him in a cute way that he doesn't need to be afraid of her: At the end of the clip, the bitch rolls onto her back and demonstrates her vulnerability to Bronze in a very doggy way. Now the baby dog knows for sure that his new big sister means him no harm.

So much tenderness is naturally rewardedon TikTok. The video of the two fur noses has already been clicked on almost four million times. "Golden retrievers are the best dogs," says one user in the comments section.