Woman suffers greatly from baldness: But after makeover she can hardly believe her luck

England - For many men, losing their own hair is already a drama. Because women are spared it much more often, it hits the few of them twice as hard when it happens. This was the case for Jill from the UK. After finishing chemotherapy, she was distraught to discover that her hair was not coming back. She finally ended up with hairpiece expert Rob Wood.

Jill is desperate after chemotherapy because her hair is not coming back.
Jill is desperate after chemotherapy because her hair is not coming back.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/novocabelohair

The founder and creative director of the UK-based company "Novo Cabelo Hair" took on the desperate customer. He captured the British woman's touching transformation in a TikTok video this month.

In the clip, Jill pours her heart out to the hair expert. No one told her during chemotherapy that her hair might not grow back.

"It's not just hair, it's part of your identity," says Jill, who is in tears at this moment. "And it's very hard that you don't feel attractive or sexy or anything anymore."

When she says to Wood that it sounds "stupid", he shakes his head vehemently. Because the toupee specialist knows exactly how much his customers suffer from their hair loss.

That's why he promises Jill that he has something great planned for her.

Viral TikTok video shows touching transformation

Happy ending: Jill and Rob Wood laugh for joy.
Happy ending: Jill and Rob Wood laugh for joy.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/novocabelohair

Jill gets a complete makeover. She gets new make-up and a hair system that is more than impressive.

Just how real and natural Rob Wood's hair looks is made particularly clear by the wig that Jill is still wearing at the beginning of the curious video.

The crucial difference: the professionally fixed hair looks so real that hardly anyone would think it was artificial.

This impression is also reflected in the numerous comments on the video. Users are thrilled with the makeover.

The viral hit has received around 300,000 clicks so far. Rob Wood is twice as happy.