Flood washes away tomcat Blanco: a week later, his family hears a soft meow
North Carolina (USA) - Hurricane Helene ravaged the south-east of the USA three weeks ago . More than 200 people lost their lives and numerous buildings were damaged. Animals were not spared either , and some were swept away by rivers that burst their banks.

This is exactly what happened to Blanco the cat. His owner Nan Collins had to watch helplessly as the masses of water washed away her beloved four-legged friend.
As the animal welfare organization"Best Friends Animal Society" reported, Blanco gave no sign of life for a whole week. Then, on day eight, Nan Collins' son heard a soft meow - the family cat he thought was dead was back!
Blanco, scarred by the weather, had been sneaking around the hurricane area alone for days. The four-legged friend returned to his home with discolored fur and an infection in his eyes and ears.
However, he could not be treated - as the power and water supply had failed, stores and vets were closed. Thanks to Animal Society, however, it was still possible to help many emergency pets!

Blanco the cat could be treated in a mobile veterinary clinic

The organization rounded up medical friends and helpers and set up a mobile veterinary clinic within a few days. First in the US state of Pennsylvania, later also in North Carolina. In other words, where Blanco the cat roams his territory.
In the first three days after opening alone, the vets treated 156 animals from 99 families. Blanco was also scrutinized.
The 1.5-year-old furry friend, who weighs around five kilograms, is now feeling better again. "We were very lucky that we were able to bring him to the clinic," said his owner Nan Collins.
Losing her "miracle cat" would have been unimaginable.