German woman races family to death in Italy: her sentence is now set

Santo Stefano di Cadore - More than a year after an accident with three fatalities in Italy, an Italian court has officially confirmed the sentence for a German woman.

The Audi driver was sentenced more than a year after the accident.
The Audi driver was sentenced more than a year after the accident.  © -/Vigili del fuoco/dpa

The prosecution and defense had already agreed on a sentence of four years and eight months last week. The woman from Lower Bavaria will have to serve the sentence in a psychiatric facility, reported the news website "RaiNews".

In July last year, the woman from the Deggendorf area in Bavaria hit a group of pedestrians with her car in the northern Italian town of Santo Stefano di Cadore near the border with Austria.

A two-year-old boy, his father and grandmother died. The mother was taken to hospital with injuries and the grandfather suffered a heart attack, according to reports.

It was initially unclear where the German woman would have to serve her sentence. After the fatal accident, the woman was initially remanded in custody on the island of Giudecca near Venice. However, she was later transferred to a psychiatric facility near Verona.

It is now clear that she is serving her sentence in this Italian clinic. Her defense lawyer had tried in vain to have her transferred to a facility in Germany.