When floods hit his town, a clergyman arrives with very special help

Chiang Mai (Thailand) - An unusual relief operation for flood victims in Thailand: a monk from one of Chiang Mai's most famous temples has packed relief supplies onto two elephants and ridden the pachyderms to residents in particularly affected areas.

With the help of elephants, relief supplies were distributed up to the second floor in Thailand.
With the help of elephants, relief supplies were distributed up to the second floor in Thailand.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Facebook/Kannapapat Apiwong

The clergyman, who is known as Monk Odd, wanted to bring joy to many people in need, wrote the news website "The Thaiger".

Even at the start of the week, several areas in the city in northern Thailand, which is popular with tourists from all over the world, were still inaccessible due to the masses of water, as local media reported. Many of those affected were waiting for food and other supplies.

Due to the size of the elephants, people who had fled to the second floor of their houses because of the floods could also have been supplied with goods, it was said.

Children in particular waved enthusiastically at the two bulls named Khunsaen and Saenthap. Before taking action, Monk Odd carefully weighed up the water level, currents and weather conditions.

The monk lives in Wat Chedi Luang, one of the most famous Buddhist temples in Chiang Mai.

Elephants are considered lucky charms in Thailand

A monk had brought the animals to the flood-stricken town to help.
A monk had brought the animals to the flood-stricken town to help.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Facebook/Kannapapat Apiwong

After heavy monsoon rains, Chiang Mai - like other regions in northern Thailand - was flooded again at the end of last week.

Elephants that were once mistreated and now live in special camps were also affected by the floods.

Helpers had been feverishly trying to bring them to safety over the past few days. At least two animals died in the floods.

Elephants are Thailand's national animal and are considered to bring good luck.

There are elephant statues in many temples and shrines, companies advertise with elephant symbols and one of the most popular beer brands is called "Chang" - the Thai word for elephant.