Man finds his stolen car again - what he discovers inside breaks his heart

Las Vegas (Nevada/USA) - What a huge shock. After Ahmad Ervin (42) had to report his car stolen, he finally found it again - and made an unexpected discovery.

The man found this urn in his car.
The man found this urn in his car.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Danielle Belin

As People reports, the father's truck was stolen from his property on September 25. Although Ervin then went to the police, he also began to search for the vehicle on his own.

And he actually found it! After four days, he was able to locate the car.

When he searched and cleaned it, he discovered something he never expected to find: the urn of a little boy called Marcel Akarhi Alexander, who was only a month and a half old before he died in February 2020.

Sitting on the vessel was a small sculpture of an angel that seemed to be watching over the deceased.

Ervin was heartbroken. As he didn't want to throw away the urn or the ashes it contained, he started looking aroundfor the baby's parents. He was helped by his girlfriend's sister, Danielle Belin, who eventually contacted People magazine.

Family of the baby found

They have since been able to locate the deceased boy's family.
They have since been able to locate the deceased boy's family.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Danielle Belin

She has lost children herself, so she knows what it feels like to lose her own baby - but it's hard to imagine what it must be like to lose the ashes.

"It tears you apart," she told the magazine. "It's like the child has been kidnapped. It's our job to find out who this child belongs to so we can reunite it with its parents."

Yesterday, Friday, after several days, there was finally a sigh of relief. Belin announced the happy news on her Facebook account: "His family has been found and he will soon be home!"

How exactly she was able to locate little Marcel's parents and whether they are the car thieves is still unclear.