Crazy confessions: Tradesmen reveal their sordid revenge schemes on customers!

USA - A TikToker is going viral with a series of videos showing the incredible deeds he and his fellow tradesmen have done for customers!

Kyle Romaior (31) reads out the craftsmen's confessions on TikTok.
Kyle Romaior (31) reads out the craftsmen's confessions on TikTok.  © Screenshot/TikTok/@kyleromaior

Kyle Romaior (31), an electrician with years of professional experience, has already heard many stories from construction sites.

He set up a confession box at his workplace where other tradesmen can submit their stories. In his TikTok videos, he reads out the sometimes very curious experiences.

One tradesman confessed to taking revenge after a customer refused to let him use the bathroom. He kept his excrement and used it in renovation work by embedding his excrement in a wall.

A craftsman also reported that he and his colleagues painted pictures of an unfriendly customer on the unfinished walls of her house.

She should never have known because the "art" would have been painted over eventually, but her unsuspecting boss showed the customer around the house where she could see the drawings up close - the team lost the job as a result.

Kyle Romaior's handyman videos are clicked hundreds of thousands of times

In this box, Kyle Romaior collects confessions from craftsmen.
In this box, Kyle Romaior collects confessions from craftsmen.  © Screenshot/TikTok/@kyleromaior
A bricklayer claimed to have cooked in a bucket similar to the first craftsman and mixed it with the concrete he used for the walls of the house.

But as if that wasn't enough, Romaior explained that he couldn't share the craziest stories because they would violate TikTok and Instagram guidelines.

The craftsmen's confession videos reach hundreds of thousands of views. Although Romaior was expecting interest, he was surprised by the rapid success. The 31-year-old enjoys sharing his industry stories and believes it will spark more conversations.

He also hopes the platform will allow him to share other important tradesman stories and address issues such as mental health.