Pure lust for murder? 17-year-old allegedly strangled his date (†42)
Viadana (Italy) - It is an act that raises many questions. A 17-year-old Italian has confessed to strangling his 42-year-old internet acquaintance. The teenager explained that he wanted to know "what it feels like to kill someone". He showed no remorse.

He approached her on the internet, invited her to his home and strangled her after having sex.
After seven days of hope and fear, Maria's relatives have to live with a terrible certainty. The 42-year-old is no longer alive, reports the news agency ANSA.
On Friday, they found Maria's mangled body under a pile of leaves in the garden of a vacant villa in the small town of Viadena. According to initial findings, the perpetrator first beat the petite woman with a blunt object - possibly a dumbbell - and then strangled her to death.
The teenager has since been arrested. He confessed and stated that he had killed the woman, whom he had met on a dating platform, in the garage of his parents' house. He showed no remorse. He had just wanted to know "what it feels like to kill someone", he told the investigators.
Ice cold: While the search for Maria was in full swing, the 17-year-old went to school and the gym as normal, met up with friends and didn't let on.
17-year-old allegedly shared pictures of a woman's murderer

The quiet and popular teenager apparently had a dark side, reports"Today.it".
The well-trained martial artist is said to have repeatedly watched violent porn on the internet, shared pictures of the woman-killer Filippo Turetta on TikTok and searched Google for "ways to kill someone with your bare hands". He apparently wanted to put his disgusting fantasies into practice on Maria.
Chronicle of horror: On the evening of 19 September, Maria asked her little sister Roxane, with whom she shared an apartment in Parma, to drive her to Viadena, a good 30 kilometers away.
She wanted to go on a date with a young man she had met on the internet. The killer put on a pair of glasses and picked up the future victim, Roxane reports. That night, Maria "texted" her: "He's a lovely man, he's taking me in a cab" - but the mother of two was probably already dead by then.
When Maria didn't come home the next day, her sister filed a missing persons report. The 17-year-old is now in custody.