Baby monitor films siblings in bed: big brother enchants the web with this question

New York City (USA) - A clip from the USA showing the cute moment between two siblings is rightly melting millions of hearts on the Internet!

Sloan (4) and his little sister Kaia (2) exchanged sweet words in the crib.
Sloan (4) and his little sister Kaia (2) exchanged sweet words in the crib.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Instagram/liza.lieberman

A baby monitor filmed four-year-old Sloan and his younger sister Kaia (2), who had sneaked into a crib together.

Just before they fall asleep, the two of them need to have an important conversation. As they lie almost nose to nose, Sloan asks: "Hey Kaia, will you be my best friend?" And without hesitation, the two-year-old declares: "Yes!"

However, Sloan has a few requirements for his best friend, which he then lists for her.

The first rule he lays down is that Kaia should behave like a "big girl". "Don't cry and don't pull her hair and don't scream and tell mom the truth," the four-year-old tells his sister.

After she agrees, big brother then explains that it's time to go to sleep. Kaia therefore closes her eyes immediately. "Good Kaia," says Sloan and strokes her cheek briefly.

Video gets millions of hits

Mother Liza is delighted with the close bond between her two children.
Mother Liza is delighted with the close bond between her two children.  © Screenshot/Instagram/liza.lieberman

Mother Liza Liebermann, who was allowed to observe the cute situation on camera, is more than ecstatic about her children's conversation: "When that happened, I thought, 'Oh my God, this is everything I've ever wanted for them,'" she tells She says she and her husband were only children themselves and always had a dream for their children to have a close bond.

Even though her children's words brought tears to her eyes, Liza also had to laugh along the way. Because much of what Sloan was asking of his little sister he had heard from his mother herself. For example, the New Yorker would always suggest that he should take a deep breath rather than shout when he had an emotional outburst.

She had also recently discussed the topic of lying and telling the truth with her four-year-old son.

"It's so sweet to see how their bond is growing," says Liza happily. She hopes that will never change.

On Instagram, where she shared the video of Kaia and Sloan, the footage has been viewed more than 10 million times.