Golden retriever is the last dog in daycare: when his owner picks him up, she is heartbroken

Nashville (Tennessee) - She wasn't expecting this at all: Meghan Bunger (34) was caught cold last week when she picked up her golden retriever Lincoln from doggy daycare. But it wasn't just the US American from Nashville, Tennessee, who was upset by her dog's behavior, but also millions of viewers on TikTok.

Golden retriever Lincoln seemed more than sad when he was the last dog at the day care center.
Golden retriever Lincoln seemed more than sad when he was the last dog at the day care center.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/lifewithlincoln23

In the clip (see below), the dog can be seen after all his fur friends have already been taken away. Lincoln looks inconsolable, bowing his head down sadly.

The poor four-legged friend even appears so frustrated that his caregiver comes to him to comfort him. Finally, the young woman gives the golden retriever a warm hug.

The video was originally recorded by a surveillance camera at the dog day care center. Bunger later filmed it from a monitor on her cell phone and then shared it on TikTok.

It has long been a viral hit there with 2.2 million clicks and a good 200,000 likes. But probably no one has been more offended by Lincoln's behavior than his owner.

In an interview with Newsweek, she has now spoken out.

Viral TikTok video shows touching moment with golden retriever

Even a loving hug only helped Lincoln to a limited extent.
Even a loving hug only helped Lincoln to a limited extent.  © Screenshot/TikTok/lifewithlincoln23

"At first I was devastated. It was like being stabbed in the heart. I felt like the worst mom," the 34-year-old confessed to the US magazine.

But why had Lincoln had to wait so long in the first place? "Daycare is open until 6pm and I usually get in around 5.15 or 5.30pm. But that day I had a late call and came in around 5.45pm," Bunger justified herself.

What's more, she had completely lost track of time that day. Fortunately, however, there was soon a happy ending for everyone involved.

"He seemed to forgive his mom pretty quickly. Because the girls gave him a few treats on the way out. Then he got lots of extra love that evening," says the owner.