Attracted to single men: dating expert shows single women their limits
Sydney - Dating expert Jana Hocking (39) has noticed something about single women. The woman in her mid-thirties has observed that single ladies literally hunt down certain men as soon as they realize that they are married.

In her column for, the Australian notes that the ladies often behave like a bull to a red rag when a wedding ring is on a man's finger and really give chase.
The columnist became aware of this in one of her "Saucy Secret" Q&A sessions when a man explained that he had been married for 2.5 years and had since received numerous offers from the ladies. This was not the case before the wedding.
An Instagram survey revealed that this had already happened to several men, which one follower commented on as follows.
"That's because his wife improved him, probably gave him a new wardrobe and skincare routine."
Jana Hocking had to laugh at this, but thought the user had hit the nail on the head.
She noticed in her circle of acquaintances that women regularly told her about single men who lacked hygiene - whether on their bodies or in their own homes.
Even studies show that taken men are attractive

However, the dating expert has identified another psychological attraction of married men. They convey stability and are not averse to a committed relationship, which in these times of non-commitment can be seen as a success for them.
In addition, a study in the "Journal of Experimental Social Psychology" found that single women would discover an attraction in a partner who is in a relationship.
"Ladies, this man is not your man. He belongs to someone else, and we (annoyingly) have to respect that," is the conclusion Jana Hocking draws.
Instead, she advises single women to keep an eye on single men and, if necessary, give them a crash course in laundry or accompany them directly to the nearest men's clothing store.