Woman believes her symptoms are from heartbreak: shock follows in hospital
Nottingham (England) - Sometimes a break-up can literally be really painful. Storm Reveley (22) suffered from severe symptoms after her relationship with her partner broke up. But her symptoms were not caused by heartbreak, as it later turned out.

Shortly after the love break-up in March 2021, the then 19-year-old felt severe stomach pains, suffered from nausea and a lack of appetite. It was only when bloating, bladder pain and bowel problems joined in that Storm decided to see a doctor.
The doctor initially suspected irritable bowel syndrome and sent the young woman home. However, when the symptoms persisted, the next stop was the hospital in Nottingham.
There, doctors felt a mass on her abdomen, which they initially thought was a twisted ovarian cyst. In an emergency operation, doctors then discovered a tumor "the size of an 18-week-old fetus", according to the New York Post report.
The diagnosis: ovarian cancer.
Cancer treatment could affect fertility

After a six-hour operation, the tumor was successfully removed. "I was in so much pain that I was so glad that I had the operation and the pain was gone. I felt relieved. I probably didn't fully understand the extent of the pain," Storm recalled.
She then had to undergo a full four cycles of chemotherapy. The good news: the beautician is now cancer-free. The bad news: the cancer treatment could have affected her fertility.
"My egg count is lower than the average person my age, but I'm still fertile to a certain extent. You think about the future - 'How will I feel when my friends have children if I can't have any?" says the now 22-year-old.