Woman lies down on the sofa with a hot water bottle - then suddenly boiling water runs over her stomach
Manchester - As if her abdominal pain wasn't bad enough, a British woman also had toworry about the skin on her legs.

Yazmin Hardy (27) has been struggling with severe period pains for years, which she can only alleviate somewhat by using a hot water bottle.
This was also the case a few weeks ago, when she once again filled the container with boiling hot water, made herself comfortable on the couch and warmed her stomach.
Relieved, she finally closed her eyes - only to open them in horror a few seconds later.
As LADbible reported, the hot water bottle had suddenly burst open, allowing the hot water to flow over Hardy's stomach, legs and hands.
She immediately ran to the bathroom and stood under the cold shower for about half an hour. Although this helped to alleviate the pain a little, her legs simply wouldn't stop burning.
Without further ado, Hardy went to a clinic where the burnt skin was removed. She then had to go to hospital every day for the next few weeks to have her legs rebandaged.
Hot water bottle had expired

Her wounds have healed well since then. However, she will probably have to bear the scars from the incident for the rest of her life.
But how did it happen that the hot water bottle simply burst?
"At first I thought it was my fault because I didn't close the cap properly, but when I came back from the hospital, I noticed that there was a crack in the bottle," she reported. She then discovered a best-before date on the bottle - and that was two years ago.
"I didn't even know there was an expiration date," she continued.
Now she wants to draw attention to the dangers of using hot water bottles - for example, they should never be filled with boiling water - in the hope of saving other people from a similar fate.
However, she is sure of one thing: she will probably have to find another solution to her period pain herself. A hot water bottle is no longer an option for her.