Creepy in the nursery: Mother gets "spooky" when she sees her daughter sleeping

Arizona (USA) - Audrey, a little girl from the USA, spreads fun and joy in broad daylight. When night falls, the opposite is the case!

It is not known whether little Audrey wakes up in the morning with neck pain.
It is not known whether little Audrey wakes up in the morning with neck pain.  © Screenshot/TikTok/arizona_allie

Mother Allie can tell you a thing or two about it. A few days ago, the American went to check on her sleeping daughter and was suddenly creeped out.

Although Audrey was sleeping peacefully in bed, she had adopted a pretty crazy sleeping position: lying on her stomach, her head on her neck, her mouth open.

Allie was shocked and thought her little girl was possessed by the devil. "It gave me the creeps the first time," she told Newsweek. Did the American woman have to call an exorcist - as seen in numerous horror shockers?

Allie decided against it, preferring to post a video of her sleeping daughter on TikToklast week and wanted to know from her followers what to do in such a case.

Mother wants to send daughter to ENT doctor

Mom Allie has now become accustomed to her daughter's sleeping habits.
Mom Allie has now become accustomed to her daughter's sleeping habits.  © Screenshot/

More than four million people have watched the slumbering Audrey to date. Most of them advised against bringing an exorcist into the house.

Instead, Allie should send her daughter to the doctor and have her checked for sleep apnoea.

She took her followers' advice seriously. "I did some research and finally called an ENT doctor and made an appointment. The appointment is in a few weeks' time," said the American.

Now she is curious to see what the diagnosis will be. Until then, it will remain creepy in the nursery.