Horror at the animal welfare organization: Bitch's eye suddenly falls out!

Altenberga - A huge shock at the animal club "Die Seelentröster" in Altenberga (Saale-Holzland district)! One of the eyes of a small female Japanese Chin suddenly fell out.

After her eye fell out, Lina was immediately taken to a clinic.
After her eye fell out, Lina was immediately taken to a clinic.  © Screenshot/Facebook/Die Seelentröster - Tiere helfen Menschen e.V.

As the non-profit animal welfare organization announced on its own Facebook page, the drama occurred last Friday. According to the information provided, everything was still fine at breakfast, but when the volunteers went to check on the animals on their lunchtime rounds, they were horrified.

Lina's right eye had fallen out just like that. It was oozing blood from the eye socket. The animal welfare organization then dropped everything and took the four-legged friend to a clinic. There, little Lina underwent emergency surgery - but her eye could no longer be saved.

There is now a huge gash where the one-year-old dog's eye used to be. Lina herself is now doing well, considering the circumstances. She survived the operation well and is being treated and cared for with painkillers, antibiotics and "lots of love", according to the "soul comforters".

The animal welfare organization also explained that Japanese Chin dogs like Lina are the epitome of torture breeding. The small skull leaves hardly any room for the animal's brain, eyes, nose and mouth.

Lina's right eye could no longer be saved. She is now recovering from the operation.
Lina's right eye could no longer be saved. She is now recovering from the operation.  © Screenshot/Facebook/Die Seelentröster - Tiere helfen Menschen e.V.

Lack of space was evident in the behavior of bitch Lina

This lack of space was also noticeable in Lina, they said. According to the voluntary association, the dog was always in a good mood, but had great difficulty lying still and was constantly circling around.

Following the successful operation, the animal welfare organization is trying to cover the costs of almost 2,300 euros. As this sum is almost impossible for "Die Seelentröster" to raise alone, donations are being collected for Lina.