"Felt on my bottom": Evelyn Burdecki experiences a perverse penis attack at the Oktoberfest

Munich - There are always indecent scenes at the Munich Oktoberfest. Reality TV star Evelyn Burdecki (36) has now also experienced this . That's why she hadOliver Pocher (46) protect her afterwards .

TV star Evelyn Burdecki (36) now appears at the Munich Oktoberfest every year.
TV star Evelyn Burdecki (36) now appears at the Munich Oktoberfest every year.  © Felix Hörhager/dpa

"There were a few guys walking behind my best friend and me in the tight crowd. And when we were standing and waiting, I actually felt a penis on one of them's bottom. I didn't think that was great," the daughter of Polish parents told BILD, describing the disgusting attack at the Bavarian folk festival.

The way to the Almauftrieb in the Käfer-Wiesn-Schänke was already difficult - and even more unpleasant for her as a woman.

And just because she's "the Evelyn from TV" doesn't mean that she can be grabbed at any time.

Although the Düsseldorf native thinks the plump Wiesn décolletés of other women are great, she also warns.

"Unfortunately, there are always men here at the Wiesn who take advantage of that - and I don't think that's good. Because I like gentlemen," Evelyn reveals.

Evelyn Burdecki closes a deal with Oliver Pocher

Comedian Oliver Pocher (46) is also a regular at the Wiesn.
Comedian Oliver Pocher (46) is also a regular at the Wiesn.  © Felix Hörhager/dpa

This is another reason why the 36-year-old would never walk around the Oktoberfest alone. "I also like to flirt, but a beautiful dress is not an invitation to simply touch me, grab my cleavage or insult me with slogans," says the former"Dschungelcamp" winner.

That's why she also has celebrity company at the folk festival, which has already helped her with the penis scandal. To be more precise, it's the Cologne comedian Oliver Pocher.

Because she was able to make a deal with him for the evening. The "Schwarz und Weiß" performer would look after Evelyn when she needed to go to the toilet and she would look after the 46-year-old for the rest of the day.

"I'm sure there are lots of women who think you're great," the former "The Bachelor" contestant is certain.