Furry intruder: At this sight, residents call the fire department immediately

Munich - A marten made a poor choice of playground in the Au-Haidhausen district and had to rely on the help of the Munich fire department .

The marten was stuck between the window pane and the glass pane of the French balcony.
The marten was stuck between the window pane and the glass pane of the French balcony.  © Berufsfeuerwehr München

The residents of an apartment in Lilienstraße were presented with a curious sight on Monday morning: A marten had made itself "comfortable" in the gap between the window and the French balcony.

"Due to the limited space available, it was not possible for the animal to free itself," explained the fire department, who were called to help.

Although it would have been possible to simply open the window to the apartment, the little fellow might then have run riot there.

The emergency services therefore decided to remove the French balcony from the outside.

Secured in a box, the marten was released into the wild, squeaking happily.
Secured in a box, the marten was released into the wild, squeaking happily.  © Berufsfeuerwehr München (2)

The animal was then secured in a transport crate.

Unharmed, the marten was then taken to a nearby park and released back into the wild.