YouTube prank goes wrong: ten years in prison!
Washington - An American YouTube entertainer 's prank went fatally wrong and ended with a shot from a gun.

Taner Cook (21) actually wanted to shoot a funny video for his channel "Classified Goons".
The incident from the shopping center in the suburb of Sterling near Washington in the US state of Virginia took place back in April, but footage of the shocking moment has now come to light.
They show Cook and a colleague approaching a passer-by, Alan Colie, and insulting him with the Google translator. The man, who is holding a shopping bag in his hand, is not at all amused.
The irritated victim of the stupid prank says several times that Cook should leave him alone, but he doesn't let up and continues to approach the man. Until he finally pulls out a gun and shoots. Cook narrowly survived.
According to a report in theDaily Star, the shooter was convicted in court last week for shooting in a crowded area, but not for wounding the YouTuber. He was defending himself, Colie said. He now faces ten years in prison.