Gang shooting outside apartment complex: Girl (†11) shot dead in her sleep

Griffin (USA) - An eleven-year-old girl lost her life in the US state of Georgia at around one o'clock in the morning yesterday, Tuesday. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed when shots were fired outside. A bullet flew straight through the window of her room and fatally shot the girl.

During a shootout, a bullet missed its target and flew through the window of a room where an eleven-year-old girl was sleeping. (symbolic photo)
During a shootout, a bullet missed its target and flew through the window of a room where an eleven-year-old girl was sleeping. (symbolic photo)  © 123RF/avictorero

As the US newspaper"New York Post" reported, the shot was fired directly in front of the apartment complex where the eleven-year-old lived with her family.

According to the police, a shooting occurred during a gang feud, with one bullet missing its target - with fatal consequences for an innocent child.

"One of the bullets that was fired at the intended target missed the target, penetrated the victim's bedroom window and struck the victim, killing the victim instantly," Sheriff Darrell Dix said in an interview with Fox 5 Atlanta news station.

The police in Spaldin County, which includes the city of Griffin, are now searching intensively for the perpetrator. There is already one suspect: 22-year-old Kionta Parks, who has a long list of violent crimes on his police record.

"All indications are that it was a gang-related shooting and he shot at another person who drove into the parking lot with a rifle from about 100 yards away, spraying bullets," said Sheriff Dix.

"He's a monster"

22-year-old Kionta Parks is wanted for several serious crimes.
22-year-old Kionta Parks is wanted for several serious crimes.  © Screenshot: Facebook/Spalding County Sheriff's Office

Parks was most likely armed and dangerous. Several warrants have already been issued for the suspected shooter, including murder, aggravated assault, possession of firearms, cruelty to children and domestic terrorism related to street gang activity.

"It's easy to say what he's like: he's a monster," the police officer continued. He said his team was investigating whether another gunman was involved in the death of the 11-year-old girl.

Several of the named charges stem from a previous shooting on February 14 on the grounds of the same apartment complex.

Police therefore suspect Parks had ties to a resident there.

Darrell Dix had strong words for such an act, "When you see all this potential just wiped out because some idiot decides to walk into an apartment building and start shooting randomly at someone because they're gang affiliated or feel they've been wronged - whether it was a week ago, a year ago, two hours ago - it's just absolutely ridiculous. It's ridiculous," the sheriff stated.

Gang shootings repeatedly hit bystanders

The eleven-year-old is the second innocent child from Georgia to be the victim of a gang shooting while sleeping peacefully in bed at home.

Neither had anything to do with the criminal groups and were simply caught in the line of fire by accident.

"She was a beautiful young girl, very popular, very talented, and I think she was very loved by the people who knew her and were around her," Dix said.