Can I eat that too? Now there's actually ice cream for dogs!

Waterbury - The US ice cream manufacturer Ben & Jerry's has discovered a new target group: Dogs!

There's something new in the pet food range for dogs: ice cream! (symbolic picture)
There's something new in the pet food range for dogs: ice cream! (symbolic picture)  © Tikhonov

On Monday, the company announced on social media: "NEW! Introducing Doggie Desserts - it's Ben & Jerry's for dogs!" it said on Twitter, for example. And further: "With two puppy-friendly flavors".

With the production of ice cream for dogs, the company is now also entering the pet food industry .

For the time being, there are two frozen varieties for the four-legged friends: "Pontch's Mix" with peanut butter and pretzels, and "Rosie's Batch" with pumpkin and small cookies. However, the 120-milliliter cup is not cheap at almost three euros.

There are also a few fun facts on the company website. For example, animal lovers can find out that dogs shouldn't eat ice cream at all. "And that's exactly why we've made Ben & Jerry's dog desserts with very limited amounts of milk, so they're absolutely safe for your dog."

Instead, the icy treats are made with sunflower butter. And according to the animal website Fuzzy Rescue, this is safe and edible for dogs.

It is also interesting to note that there are actually dogs that are lactose intolerant. But even for those "who are not lactose intolerant, dairy products can cause digestive problems" and should be avoided at all costs.

You've probably already asked yourself: Can I try the dog ice cream desserts? We'll tell you!

The company also has an explanation for this: "The frozen dog treats from Doggie Desserts have been specially developed for puppies and are not intended for human consumption."

However, the same ingredients are used as in the ice cream for humans. If you really want to try it, you just have to like the combination of pumpkin and pretzels.